Thursday 25 April 2013

The fact that you liked a toy when you were a child does not mean that your child will love it too because the age is different between you and your child. If you want to buy a right toy for your child , you need to follow these criteria:                                
·         Observations_ just watch your child closely to determine his personality, preferred activities ,and skills level. Thus, when your child is playing with his friends, observe if he manifests interest in any of his playmates' toys. If he does, then it’s very likely that he would like to have a toy similar the one his friend has. Sometimes, a child tells his parents what toy he wants or likes, thus saving them from a lot of hard work.

·         Child’s age – Try to read manufacturers' recommendations  to find the appropriate toy for your child. Your child will be frustrated if he is too young to understand how a toy works, and your child will be bored if he is too old for a particular toy .Children from different generations like different types of toys.
·         Child’s gender – A toy for one child isn't necessarily a good toy for another child. Boys' toys are different of girls' toys. Do not give dolls to boys or trucks to girls. Boys do not want “sissy” toys, and most girls do not care for cars and trucks. Neutral items like blocks, puzzles, books and balls are acceptable for either boys or girls.
·         Safety – This is an important factor you must consider whenever you need to decide what toy you should buy for your child. Good toys are well constructed, shatterproof, strong enough to hold a child’s weight, and safe for the ages of the children in the group. Don’t be hesitant to carefully examine and pull on the item at the store or when you first receive it to ensure it’s safe for the children. Materials should not have sharp edges, points, exposed nails, projectiles, loud noises, or require batteries. Corners are rounded and surfaces are smooth. Toys and materials must be easily cleaned and hold up to repeated washing. Very young children put everything into their mouths, so make sure there are no small parts for them to swallow.
·         Educational toys_ they help a child how to learn . When children learn new things as they play, they will not think of the learning as work, and they will have a head start when they go to school.
·         The appropriate manner_ Make sure you offer the toy to your child in the appropriate manner. When you offer the toy to your child, don’t do it in a “Here’s your toy. Now go and play with it” manner. If you do it this way, that toy won’t mean a thing to your child. Rather, try to make a game. Hide the toy somewhere where the child can easily find it, and encourage him to look for it. Laugh with your child, search for it together… And when the he finds the toy, don’t just let him play by himself. Get involved in your child’s play. Make that the fun of a lifetime. A parent is a child’s first and best friend.

Posted by phplinda On 16:06 No comments

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