Thursday 25 April 2013

 Toys are important tools to develop children .Toys give children joy, enjoyment ,and experience that are necessary to learn about the people and the world. Toys have been associated with children throughout history and in all cultures, and will continue to do so . Toys strengthen sensory and motor skills in children, through: 1_Developing of motor skills , physical growth  
Posted by phplinda On 16:19 No comments READ FULL POST

The fact that you liked a toy when you were a child does not mean that your child will love it too because the age is different between you and your child. If you want to buy a right toy for your child , you need to follow these criteria:                                
·         Observations_ just watch your child closely to determine his personality, preferred activities ,and skills level. Thus, when your child is playing with his friends, observe if he manifests interest in any of his playmates' toys. If he does, then it’s very likely that he would like to have a toy similar the one his friend has. Sometimes, a child tells his parents what toy he wants or likes, thus saving them from a lot of hard work.
Posted by phplinda On 16:06 No comments READ FULL POST
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